Created in 1922, SERCE is a professional organization that brings together 260 energy and digital transition companies (SMEs, ETI and groups), spread over more than 4,000 sites in France. Established throughout France, they employ more than 135,000 employees in France and represent a turnover of €23.3 billion.

Companies joining SERCE offer decarbonization solutions and are involved in works and services related to industrial and tertiary installations, electrical energy networks, information and communication systems. Some companies specialize in the railway sector where they install and maintain catenary lines and/or work on signalling systems and equipment for powering electrified lines.

Their ability to innovate in a “smart” way promotes exchanges between buildings and neighborhoods, the city and networks (energy, smart public lighting, eco-mobility, etc.).

The combination of their know-how in energy and data allows them to offer new energy and digital solutions that meet the aspirations of elected officials, citizens, but also economic, public or private actors (major contractors, manufacturers, social donors, etc.), whose expectations and constraints require perfectly adapted responses.

SERCE companies support the evolution of the energy system by assembling increasingly high-tech devices and promoting the development and bringing together of territories. They contribute to making new services accessible to everyone on a daily basis.

As a professional organization, its missions focus in particular on occupational safety, the sharing of best practices, the promotion of professions by acting in the field of training (initial and continuing), and by ensuring the maintenance and development of skills. As such, SERCE is at the origin of several Professional Qualification Certificates, including 3 applied to the railway sector.

An interlocutor of public authorities and national and local contractors, SERCE relays the positions of the profession and values its capacity for innovation applied to ecological transition and energy services.

SERCE sits in various regional and national bodies. It is one of the specialty unions of the National Federation of Public Works (FNTP) and an associate member of the Federation of Electrical and Communication Industries (FIEEC). He is a member of EuropeOn, a European association that brings together SERCE counterparts in 15 countries.

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