Colas Rail
Colas Rail Infra Services (CRIS) is a subsidiary of Colas Rail, created in 2015, whose core business is the safety of railway construction sites.
CRIS includes the following services: human traffic announcement/Portable Radio Announcement Device or DAPR (under development)/installation and installation of IES/TTX services (in development)/Catenary perching (in development)/Railway safety in closed line.
In France, SNCF Réseau, the railway infrastructure network manager, outsources numerous services for the safety of construction sites: the announcement of traffic, the management of works trains, mobile works and work trains on lines closed for work in the absence of commercial traffic, and other safety missions. CRIS is specialized in these professions.
We thus have several qualifications from SNCF Réseau to operate these businesses. New jobs are also always being developed in the field of securing construction sites.
We have a regional presence to best respond to the requests of our customers.